Thursday, August 27, 2020

What Caused the Civil War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What Caused the Civil War - Essay Example The mechanical changes in the mid-nineteenth century were broad. To being with, farming, long a staple of the South, and a significant occupation in a nation that had not yet quickly urbanized, was tremendously significant. The steel furrow and the mechanical gatherer were concocted in this period and took into consideration ranchers to burn through less effort reaping and to create more noteworthy yields (Boyer, et al, 238). New water system methods likewise gave increasingly arable land. An extra mechanical change that had a major effect was the ascent of railways (Boyer, et al, 240). Rail inclusion extended about multiple times over a multi year duration. Americans of all classes had the option to travel unreservedly and serenely. Maybe more than anything this assisted with opening up the West during this period. Culture was quickly expanding during this period as well, as American authors searched inside to their spirit and outward to their developing nation. Journalists like Dickinson, Thoreau and Emerson distributed works that started the way toward characterizing what it intended to be American. A definition that would be woefully tried during the Civil War. The president at that point, Abraham Lincoln was an exceptionally principled and genuine legal counselor who cared very much about his nation. He battled against lawmakers who were ace subjugation, however he was clashed about what the answer for this awful issue. At the point when he became president from the outset he didn’t accept the arrangement was to free all the slaves, nor did he think this was the most significant issue in the Civil War among North and South. He saw an excessive number of shades of dark. In any case, as the war advanced, he started to see that subjugation was the primary issue and he would need to take care of business. Servitude was a significant issue, however one thing that Lincoln didnt comprehend was the way innovation was changing things drastically. One of the incredible results of innovation was that it permitted the war to be substantially more horrendous and to slaughter a lot a larger number of individuals than anticipated. This

Saturday, August 22, 2020

2 short journal entries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

2 short diary passages - Essay Example Mystery, conversely, concerns what residents may know, and the resident isn't determined what may not be known.† Government limitations on press credentialing as reported in the June 2014 examination, and the government’s true position that inserted columnists have decreased First Amendment rights, as featured by Manning’s article, point to emergency of the free press, one of the most crucial establishments in a law based society. First and most clearly: in 2014, corporate media keep on replicating what Hall named â€Å"official belief systems of the status quo†-not just mirroring a â€Å"consensual† style of legislative issues yet in addition fortifying it by hindering particular sorts of occasions and on-screen characters from accomplishing news commendable status. It’s notable that consuming non-renewable energy sources as coal, oil, and petroleum gas discharges carbon dioxide into the air. Less comprehended is that a fourth of this carbon dioxide-around twenty trillion pounds, each year-is consumed by seas. Governments and worldwide associations are least worried about harms brought about by the consuming of petroleum derivatives, and this careless conduct of the arrangement producers have brought about the phenomenal increment of sea fermentation. The best ten nations and their normal help with (a large number of current US dollars) are as per the following: Israel 3,100; Afghanistan 2,200; Egypt 1,600; Pakistan 1,200; Nigeria 693; Jordan 671; Iraq 573; Kenya 564; Tanzania 553; Uganda 456 Three previous General Electric financiers Dominick Carollo, Steven Goldberg, and Peter Grimm-had been indicted in 2012 for apparatus sell-offs of city bonds, basically taking from ventures planned to fabricate government funded schools, clinics, libraries, and nursing homes in essentially every US state. Misusing the world’s assets and governments with criminal exemption, a rich first class brandishing an expected $32 trillion in charge absolved seaward sanctuaries are the profound dull mystery of plutocratic colonialism, working

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Essay Topics For Eurasia

The Essay Topics For EurasiaThere are many essay topics for Eurasia. There are many reasons for this, of course. However, the dominant factor is that not many Americans have done so in a long time. The majority of this population is from the north, and those were the folks who did all the 'front-line' jobs - farming, mining, and manufacturing.Nowadays, that is no longer the case. The population is mainly from the south, and they have no experience doing such projects.It is therefore critical that there be more opportunities for students to write essays on topics for Eurasia, or it will become even more difficult to get good grades. This does not mean, however, that there are no good essay topics available for Americans to choose from.If you go to the internet, you will find literally hundreds of new essay topics for Eurasia. Many of them will be very similar, but there are others that might be different. The best part about these new essays is that many of them have been prepared by those who have done this kind of work before, which means that the writer can very well look up their suggestions and use them as a guide.I remember when I first started looking for essay topics for Eurasia, many of them just seemed to be wrong and unoriginal. With the internet, however, a simple search will return thousands of links to sites where there are essays for people to choose from. Additionally, many of these essays come from students who took some courses on Eurasia back in college, so it is likely that there is still much more interest there than when I first started looking.In addition to that, many of the best essay topics for Eurasia are from other countries, such as China, India, and Russia. These students have studied these subjects in university, and therefore it is a natural part of their curriculum to explore them when writing their assignments. While these topics are also very good, they may still have some unique features that make them more appealing to studen ts.As with all other new essay topics, it is important to ensure that you get all the information you need in order to improve your performance. Many of the materials available on the internet are somewhat old, and you need to ensure that you are using a current version of it. However, if you find some essays that you like, you can always use them for personal study.Essay topics for Eurasia are something that every student should try to include in their curriculum. Most students will never encounter any problem writing such a project, as it is a very broad topic. It is also one that should be researched thoroughly and used as an opportunity to explore many other subjects.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ( Ocd ) - 1343 Words

Anxiety disorders are so incapacitating and have many different types of categories in its self with its own unique sets of symptoms. Anxiety can become so rigorous that it can begin to affect relationships and even a person’s life. Some known are: obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social phobia (or social anxiety disorder), specific phobias, and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) disorders are some of the most commonly seen (Frequently Asked Questions about Anxiety Disorders). Discussions in this research paper will summarize the most commonly seen one; Generalized Anxiety and how it affects us. We will discuss what it is? Its symptoms, how it comes about, why it is misdiagnosed, and treatments. Generalized Anxiety Disorder, which is usually referred to as GAD, becomes difficult to recognize in the beginning as many are in denial. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, Also known as the ADAA, in a publication updated in June 2015 said, â€Å" GAD affects 6.8 million adults, or 3.1% of the U.S. population, in any given year. Women are twice as likely to be affected†. A lot that could cause this is the mere fact that as normal human being, we tend to have feelings of concern, and tension, usually regarding one thing or another. Once those types of feeling start to arise without any type of concern or any reasoning then it becomes a problem. People experiencing these types of feelingShow MoreRelatedObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)1756 Words   |  8 Pages Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a disorder that can affect children and adults. In order to fully understand OCD, many different areas of the disorder must be reviewed. First, OCD will be defined and the diagnosis criteria will be discussed. Secondly the prevalence of the disorder will be considered. The different symptoms, behaviors and means of treatment are also important aspects that will be discussed in order to develop a clearer understanding of the implications of obsessive compulsiveRead MoreEssay on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)875 Words   |  4 Pagessevere Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder that triggers people to have unwanted fixations and to repeat certain activities again and again. Everyone has habits or certain ways of doing something with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder these habits severely interrupt the way they live their lives ( Editorial Staff). About one in 40 people suffer from some form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (ABRAMOWITZ). Obsessive Compulsive Disorder oftenRead MoreLiving With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)1190 Words   |  5 Pagesdifferences between both symptoms and experiences of six different authors who have been personally affected by obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).   Since OCD is not very well understood by many members of the public (Escape), I hope that the experiences of the authors that I researched will be able to paint a vivid picture of what life with OCD is like. Obsessive-compulsive disorder involves a chemical imbalance in the brain. This chemical imbalance is thought to be the main reason for obsessionsRead MoreObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Essay2901 Words   |  12 Pages   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD, affects an average 1.7% of the population according to the Stanford University School of Medicine.  Ã‚  The recognition of this psychological disorder has grown in the recent years.  Ã‚  As the knowledge of this disorder becomes more prevalent, those suffering have become more willing to seek help (OCDA).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  OCD is a condition â€Å"in which people experience repetitive and upsetting thoughts and/or behaviors† (OCDA).  Ã‚  While there are many variationRead MoreObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Essay800 Words   |  4 Pages Obsessive Compulsive Disorder And Its Effect On Life Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, involves anxious thoughts or rituals one feels and cant control. . For many years, OCD was thought to be rare. The actual number of people with OCD was hidden, because people would hide their problem to avoid embarrassment. Some recent studies show that as many as 3 million Americans ages 18 to 54 may have OCD at any one time. This is about 2.3% of the people in this age group. It strikes men and women inRead More Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Essays2616 Words   |  11 Pagesis a very powerful piece of structure; it is truly limitless when speaking about its potential. With a functional organ comes a dysfunctional possibility. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, (OCD), for instance, is nervousness in the mind. OCD is an anxiety disorder caused by repetitive intrusive thoughts and behaviors. It is a mental disorder marked by the involvement of a devotion to an idea or routine. Essentially, it is a false core belief which is believing that there is something wrong, causingRead MoreEssay on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)3370 Words   |  14 Pages Obsessive compulsive disorder is a disease that many people know of, but few people know about. Many people associate repeated washing of hands, or flicking of switches, and even cleanliness with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), however there are many more symptoms, and there are also explanations for those symptoms. In this paper, I will describe what obsessive compulsive disorder is, explain some of the effects of it, and explain why it happens. I will also attempt to prove that while medicationRead More Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Essay1758 Words   |  8 PagesOCD: Whats in Control? Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder that is the fourth most common mental illness in the U.S. (8). OCD affects five million Americans, or one in five people (3). This is a serious mental disorder that causes people to think and act certain things repetitively in order to calm the anxiety produced by a certain fear. Unlike compulsive drinking or gambling, OCD compulsions do not give the person pleasure; rather, the rituals are performed to obtainRead MoreObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Essay examples1375 Words   |  6 PagesObsessive Compulsive Disorder â€Å"I know my hands are clean. I know that I have touched nothing dangerous. But†¦ I doubt my perception. Soon, if I do not wash, a mind numbing, searing anxiety will cripple me. A feeling of stickiness will begin to spread from the point of contamination and I will be lost in a place I do not want to go. So I wash until the feeling is gone, until the anxiety subsides. Then I feel defeated. So I do less and less, my world becomes smaller and smaller and more lonelyRead MoreEssay about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)474 Words   |  2 Pages Obsessive Compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental illness that effects nearly 5 million Americans, and half a million children. Its a disease that fills the brain with unwanted ideas, and worries. OCD is a diseases that effects the Cerebral frontal cortex. Unfortunately there is no cure for OCD. Obsessive compulsive disorder can start developing as early as age five. In most cases OCD controls your life. Through out the rest of this paper I hope to inform you on Obsessive compulsive Disorders

Friday, May 15, 2020

Globalization Process, Free International Trade - 1789 Words

1. Introduction Considering as one of prominent aspects of the globalization process, free international trade has over 100 years in the development history (Lawal 2006; Ocampo Martin 2003). At the first stage, free trade was happened within the North and South America countries, then together with the development of the world economy, trade liberalization has expanded to almost areas of the world (Ocampo Martin 2003). The most expansive and extensive period of trade liberalization is from the second half of the twentieth century to present. In this period, trade liberalization, with support from innovations in transportations and information technologies, is characterized by the rapid expansion of trans-boundary free trade and international investment among almost developed and developing (Ocampo Martin 2003). Various arguments and researches demonstrate that globalization, in general, and the trade liberalization in particular, create many opportunities to help nations and the world economy achieving significant results in both social and economic development (Carbaugh 2008), that results in the higher economic growth rate at both developed and developing countries nowadays. However, beside the acknowledgement about positive impacts of free trade on socio-economic growth, the awareness about the decrease in the quality of living environment is also improved respectively. For instance, the concerns about air pollution, global warming, climate changes, loss ofShow MoreRelatedGlobalization: A Free Trade Phenomenon Essay866 Words   |  4 Pages Globalization is â€Å"the integration of states through increasing contact, communication and trade to create a holistic, single global system in which the process of change increasingly binds people together in a common fate† (Carey 2002). Some economists recognize globalization as being in the best interest of all states. While others believe that increasingly liberated trade and global economic interaction is necessary in many ways. While globalization marks a move toward a more open world-tradingRead MoreThe Pros and Cons of Globalization Essay963 Words   |  4 Pages It is debated whether globalization is an advantage or disadvantage to our society. Everyday you hear it on the news, you read it in the newspaper, and you overhear people talking about it and in every single instance the word globalization seems to have a different meaning. Globalization is the process by which a business or company becomes international or starts to operate on an international level such like the rise of the so-called global economy. It can also bring the world closer throughRead MoreGlobalization Advantages and Disadvantages695 Words   |  3 PagesWhat Is Globalization? Globalization means increasing the interdependence, connectivity and integration on a global level with respect to the social, cultural, political, technological, economic and ecological levels. Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on politicalRead MoreEssay on Globalization: Sharing Our Prosperity With the World1388 Words   |  6 Pages Globalization is the growing interdependence of the worlds people that involves the integration of economies, technologies, and cultures (Bradshaw). It is described as the increased movement of people, knowledge and ideas, and goods and money across national borders that have led to the increased interconnectedness among the world. Globalization is often thought of in economic terms but as we know there are three major components implicated with this idea including: economics, politics, andRead MoreInternationalization: The Suitable Replacement for Globalization1062 Words   |  5 Pagescommercial exchange between nations. Today, around one-third of trade occurs internationally. For example, online retailer Amazon has an annual revenue greater than the Gross Domestic Product of half of every nation in the world (McIntyre). Meanwhile, gross U.S. assets held by foreigners toward the end of 2006 amounted to $16.3 trillion. The world’s gross average output is reaching astonish ing heights. As corporations and businesses continues trade and commerce, a problem is being amplified by non-governmentalRead MoreWhat Are The Benefits Of International Trade?986 Words   |  4 Pagesof international trade? International trade is the means to which other countries can use and enjoy other products from around the world. When a country becomes part of that trade agreement, then they have the ability to leverage their goods to gain wealth and stability. As stated in the article by Economy Watch. Benefits of International trade. â€Å"The global trade can become one of the major contributors to the reduction of poverty.† There are a couple of scenarios that make international tradeRead MoreSustainable Development and Globalization Are Two Popular Concept with Respect to Present Context. Is Globalization Is a Threat for Sustainable Development ?1031 Words   |  5 Pagesproduct but rather an ongoing process with no endpoint†. In my opinion, Globalization is a threat for Sustainable Development which is discussed below and relevant reasons found from the campaign of â€Å"Greenpeace international† Globalization   describes a process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a globe-spanning network of communication and trade. The term is sometimes used to refer specifically to  economic globalization: the integration of nationalRead MoreGlobalization Paper1190 Words   |  5 PagesGlobalization Paper GBM/380 January 10, 2011 Professor Jing Liu Globalization Globalization can be viewed as one of the major influences for the world’s progressions over the past centuries. It is comprehended that globalization has the potential to make countries and societies richer via free trading or little trade barriers providing knowledge and information to people around the world. Others perceive globalization negatively and view it as a major factor to exploit the poor while theRead MoreTheories of Libralism and Realism1055 Words   |  4 PagesLiberal theories of international relations have made a number of contentions on the basis of economic development and its effect on the belligerence between countries. These claims have presented evident when analyzing the post-Cold War era’s increase in the globalization of trade and investment. Globalization is the process of international economic development, enabling financial and investment markets to operate internationally in the trade and investment markets. Liberalism encompasses a wo rldviewRead MoreIr and Glocalization1154 Words   |  5 PagesIr and globalization CONENT: Introduction Body 1. What is Globalization and how it is related with the International Relations; 2. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Globalization; 3. Effectiveness of the Globalization Conclusion NTRODUCTION In my work I talk about the Globalization and its relation with the Globalization where I dwelled upon the Globalization. In the second part I did survey and focused on the advantages and disadvantages of globalization as the statistics show.After hammering

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Stages Of A Good Nutrition Helps Adults Enjoy An Active...

According to the dictionary a lifecycle is the span of a human life, which consists of different stages, including pregnancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. Some of those stages are subdivided on different segments; for example during adulthood people go through Early Adulthood, Midlife, and Later Adulthood. All of them need the same basic nutrients, but each one has different challenges and possible deficiencies. Although the basic nutrients are the same; the amounts of nutrients needed differ based on different factors such as physical activity, body size, gender, illness, and medication use. Adulthood is a period of optimum mental functioning when the capacities intellectual, emotional, and social are achieved. During this stage a good nutrition helps to adults enjoy an active lifestyle. For most people, this is the time when their bodies are in the best condition. The body of an adult does not need to devote its energy and resources to support the rapid growth and development that characterizes youth. However, the choices made during those formative years can have a lasting impact. Change bad habits or maintain healthy habits are important ways to lower your risk for cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and hypertension. Early Adulthood: defines individuals between the ages of twenty to the thirties, who becoming independent, are typically vibrant, active and healthy, and are focused on friendships, romance, career, and child bearing. Midlife:Show MoreRelatedAdult Body : The Span Of A Human Life Essay1642 Words   |  7 Pagesccording to the dictionary, a lifecycle is the span of a human life. It consists of different stages, including pregnancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. Some of those stages are subdivided on different segments; for example, during adulthood people go through Early Adulthood, Midlife, and Later Adulthood. All of them need the same basic nutrients, but each one has different challenges and possible deficiencies. Although the basic nutrients are the same; the amounts of nutrientsRead MoreObesity : The Problem With Obesity Essay2201 Words   |  9 PagesCertain measures are not being taken to protect the health of our children. The diet and physical activity have taken a turn for the worst. Those are the two main factors to a healthy lifestyle and when they aren’t being enforced at a young age then kids most likely aren’t going to choose to live healthy as ad ults. According to Asheley Skinner, an associate professor medicine at Duke University, kids with severe obesity aren’t being helped by small or single interventions. Choosing small things andRead MoreObesity and Physical Activity in Schools1476 Words   |  6 Pagesdetermine the lifestyle they will lead as adults. An unfortunate common misconception is that it is easy to reverse the unhealthy lifestyle taught to children. Prevention however is better than a cure. It is never too early to start teaching a child positive behaviours and habits middle childhood (ages 6-10) children tend to be in a stage of development where they think very literally they will absorb everything you teach, do, and say and are incredibly influential. It is t this stage of developmentRead MoreType Ii Diabetes: Obesity1729 Words   |  7 Pagesdiabetes, but a lifestyle adjustment aimed at reducing or monitoring weight and increasing physical activity is the resolution for overweight and obese pati ents with type II diabetes. First, weight management in the prevention and management of type II diabetes through lifestyle modification are essential because being overweight or obese can lead to multiple complicated health issues. â€Å"The prevalence of type II diabetes in obese adults is 3–7 times that in normal-weight adults, and those withRead MoreHealth Risks Of The United States1524 Words   |  7 Pageslimited to adults. The rise in obesity and malnutrition has resulted in children suffering from diseases that were once considered â€Å"adult† diseases. Many children are dying sooner then expected, and this generation of children is projected to â€Å"be the first generation of children who live shorter lives than their parents.† A lack of exercise or physical activity and poor nutrition are amongst the leading causes of premature death in the current generations resulting from a sedentary lifestyle (CDC). Read MoreChildren And Type 2 Diabetes1533 Words   |  7 Pagesseverely compromised. Formerly known as adult onset and/or insulin resistant diabetes T2DM occurs due to the cell inability to properly use insulin which then results in lowered secretion of insulin as well as insulin resistance. Proactive steps if taken during pre-diabetic stages in the form of increased activity, dietary changes, weight reduction, and use of medicinal intervention in order to increase sensitivity to insulin and decrease production of glucose helps to reduce likelihood of disease onsetRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Growing Problem1594 Words   |  7 PagesChildhood Obesity: A Growing Problem According to the African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development â€Å"Twenty-five percent of children in the US are overweight and 11% are obese† ( Dehgan 1) . The Center of disease Control and Prevention defines overweight as having a body mass index, or BMI, of 30. BMI can be found by dividing an individual’s weight by their height. Childhood obesity is present in children from ages ranging 6-18. The amount of excess body fat can lead to many â€Å"heathRead MoreBenefits Of Fruits And Vegetables Intake2133 Words   |  9 PagesThe Benefits of Increased of Fruits and Vegetables Intake Research question: How does increased intake of fruit and vegetable and moderate exercise affect the quality of life in older adults? Most people are hoping to have long and good quality of life. People are living longer because there are more medical techniques and medications to detect and treat diseases. However, some people are living long but not as healthy as they want. Nicklett et al. state that, â€Å"Individuals aged 65 and older areRead MoreEssay about Heritage and Health Assessment1955 Words   |  8 Pagesaction of each member will influence one another. Family developmental theory is to assist the patients through every stage of life. Gordon’s functional health patterns are eleven principles incorporated with the nursing process to collect data, assess patients and families, and provide a diagnosis for the patient and family based on the norms. Gordon’s functional health patterns help nurses assess health patterns of their family as one unit that relates to their health needs, and modify nursing practiceRead MorePromoting a Healthy Environment for Children Essay2579 Words   |  11 P agesE1- Collate evidence which describes the role of the practitioner in working towards a health lifestyle and environment for children The role of a practitioner is vast. To be able to promote children a healthy life style and environment there are number of aspects that need to be met such as; * Routines * Circle time * Posters around the school (for example posters that promote healthy eating and exercise) * Environment * Indoor and outdoor activities Because children are growing

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Competitive Environment in Dairy Industry †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Competitive Environment in Dairy Industry. Answer: Introduction The report talks about the Nestle Company which is dealing in various food and beverage products. It explains that how the company manufacturing various types of food products in international market. It describes the objectives, mission and corporate and business level strategies of the company. Further, it explains the organizational structure of the firm. It describes the porter five forces model and it explains the function of human resource management within the organization. Along with this, it explains that how HRM helps to attain sustainable competitive advantages in the market. In addition, the report explains the ethical issues and strategies of the HRM to resolve these ethical issues within the organization. Nestle is an international drink and food company with headquartered is located in Vevey, Vaud Switzerland. It is one of the biggest food companies in the world measured and analyzed by the profit and revenue. It deals in various food and drink products such as baby food, bottled food, coffee and tea, breakfast cereals, ice-cream, snacks, frozen food, pet food, confectionery, and medical food etc (Sethi, 2012). The company operates and manages 447 stores in 194 countries and approx 339,000 employees are employed in the company. LOreal is one of the biggest shareholders of the company in the world. In todays era, the firm is expanding and flourishing its business activities and operations in the global market. The company was founded on 1866 in Switzerland. It is one of the largest leading companies in Switzerland which is based on the nutrition, wellness, and health (Eberle, Berens, and Li, 2013). The mission of the company is to provide good quality of food and drink products to the customers with best nutritious choices, best testing and best requirements in the global market. Further, the company maintains an effective and potential team to create and provide safe and delicious food and drinks products with highest quality in the universal market (Kiran and Sharma, 2011). The long-term vision of the company is to deliver the food and drink products for improving the shareholder value and growth within the organization. Further, the vision of the company is translated into the four strategic pillars of the science, consumers, implementation, and people etc. The main aim of the company is to achieve the long-term goals and objectives of the firm by maintaining sustainability within the organization (Saluja and Mahajan, 2017). Business level strategies: The Company uses effective and unique business-level strategies to attain the long-term success and growth of the firm. The business level strategies include cost leadership, differentiation, and focus strategy. The strategies have been discussed below (Siddik, 2016). Cost leadership strategies: Nestle delivers good quality of food and beverage products. The company purchases high quality of raw material from the suppliers in the global market. Thus, the costs of production are higher than comparatively other company. The company is not able to attain low-cost leadership in the food and beverage industry due to its high cost of production. This strategy focuses on the quality assurance, inventory management, and efficient operations etc. Nestle is using this strategy to achieve the operational efficiency and effectiveness within the organization (Epstein and Buhovac, 2014). Differentiation strategy: The Company is using this strategy to differentiate its products from the competitors products in the global market. By using this strategy, the company can take competitors advantages in the universal market. Currently, the company is producing more than 10,000 food and beverage products under 8,500 different brand names. Most of these products can easily differentiate from the competitor's products in the global market (Kapferer, 2012). Focus strategy: It is the third business strategy of Nestle. It focuses on the low-cost strategy to control and manage the heavy marketing and manufacturing cost to maximize the growth and success of the firm. By using this strategy, the company is creating more revenue in the competitive environment around the world. Now it is assumed that differentiation strategy plays a major role in Nestle. The company is flourishing its business activities and operation around the world through differentiation strategy. This strategy also helps to develop and build a strong brand image in the food and beverage industry (Nestle, 2013). Corporate level strategies: The Company is using effective corporate level strategies to maximize the revenue of the company. The corporate level strategies have been discussed below. Growth strategies: Nestle is one of the biggest companies in food and beverage industry. The company is expanding its business activities and operations in 130countries with more than 500 production units. Through this strategy, Nestle is gaining tremendous growth in the global market. Stability strategies: Further, the company uses stability strategies to overcome on the competitors in the universal market. Under this strategy, the company does not undertake any type of brand expansion, business expansion, and operational growth projects. Retrenchment strategies: Nestle uses retrenchment strategies to get rid of the brands, business units, and low-performance products that are not contributing its success and growth. This strategy is a frequent option for the Nestle (Galbraith, 2011). The company has obtained and acquired market leadership in terms of customer base, financial performance, product portfolio, financial performance and market share by using growth strategies. It is the important choice for Nestle. The business level strategies provide support and assistance to the corporate level strategies. Now it is assumed that the organization is making effective and unique position through business level strategies as well as corporate level strategies (Saebi and Foss, 2015). Description of the specific context and organizational structure The organizational structure of the Nestle is effective and unique. Through effective organizational structure, the company maintains effective relations among the people in the organization. There are various persons include an organizational structure such as co-workers, directors, chief executive officer, and managing directors. Nestle is one of the biggest corporation in food and beverage industry across the world. Further, Nestle include governing body, executive body and other four committees in corporate governance. The company has an executive board which comprises department heads and executives. They are responsible to manage and control the business activities and operations of the company (Khan, Grigor, Winger, and Win, 2013). They implement and execute various policies, strategies, and plans within the organization. Further, the executive board looks after the day to day management activities of the firm in the world. Further, various effective and attractive strategies are used by the company to increase the demand for the food and beverage products around the world. It uses effective advertisement and promotional strategies to increase the number of customers in the global market. In addition, it uses effective marketing strategies to increase the sales of the company within the organization. These are the special context for the Nestle to attain the long-term mission and vision of the firm. Along with this, it uses effective research and development strategies to maintain the customers for a long time. Through effective and unique organizational structure, the company is able to overcome on its competitors in the global market. Further, it also provides help to achieve the long-term targets of the comp any. Along with this, the company measures and identifies the requirements, tastes, and preferences of the customers to increase the sales of the food and beverage products around the world (Baumann-Pauly and Scherer, 2013). Nestle is a multinational corporation which provides food and beverage products to the customers around the world. The porter five forces analysis of Nestle has been discussed below. Threats of new entrants: If the market is attractive and unique then competitors would always affect the operations and activities of the company. So it is very difficult to Nestle to become a leader in the market across the world. There are various competitors of the company which exists in the market. The competitors include Starbucks, Keurig, Amul, mother dairy, groupe Danone and Yinlu foods etc. Therefore, the company needs to focus and monitor the activities, plans, policies, and strategies of the competitors around the world (Dyllick and Muff, 2016). Threats of substitute goods: The threats of a substitute are very high in the market which affects the business operations of the Nestle. Therefore, Nestle is producing innovative and attractive products to increase the demand of the products around the world. In this way, the company is able to reduce the competitors in the market. Bargaining power of suppliers: Bargaining power is one of the biggest factors of porter five forces model. It is the main strength of the organization. The company always focuses on the strong business relations to make a good image in the market. Further, Nestle provides helpful guidance and support to its suppliers to do work effectively and efficiently (Gold and Heikkurinen, 2013). Bargaining power of customers: It is an important factor to which affect the growth and success of the company. It is essential to understand and evaluate the power of customers and their needs, requirements, and expectations so that they can be satisfied. Competitive rivalry within the industry: There are various competitors exist in the market that affects the success of the organization. Nestle company maintains a strong position in food and beverage industry. There are various competitors exist in the food and beverage industry such as Groupe Danone and Kraft foods, therefore, the company needs to focus on the plans, strategies, and policies within the organization (Stampfl and Prgl, 2011). Further, the company can use pestle analysis to determine and evaluate the external environment of the company. Pestle stands for political, economic, socio-cultural, legal factors and environmental factors etc. Through pestle analysis, Nestle can find and evaluate the microenvironment of the country. It will also help to reduce and control over the key challenges of the global market in the world. It will also help to evaluate and analyze the economy of the country. Along with this, the company can use SWOT analysis to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the company. In this way, the company can overcome on the competitors in the market (Sakunia and Jha, 2016). Impact of porter five forces analysis on the organization HR related initiatives There are the various impact of porter five forces analysis on the organizational human resource management. Porter five forces model helps to analyze and evaluate the enormous competitors in the market. Human resource management can easily reach its targets within the organization. It also helps to determine and identify the intensity and strengths of the competition in the global market. Further, it will also help to provide various competitor benefits in the global world. Porter five forces model also provide assistance to the HRM to attract more applicants in the universal market. It is useful to make a good and attractive image around the world. HRM can use this model as a statistical tool to determine and measure the attractiveness of the Nestle industry. Through this model, the company can take important decision related to the market segment. It also provides flexibility and transparency to the HR department within the organization. It will also help to make the good reputati on of the company in the market. In this way, candidates can look the image and goodwill of the company. Therefore, it will provide assistance to the human resource management to appoint and retain new candidate in the global market (Spicka, 2013). The company can increase its revenue and profit after analyzing and evaluating the competitors plans and policies around the world. HRM is the important part of the Nestle. Therefore, it plays a significant role in every organization to make effective plans, policies, and strategies within the organization. Through this model, the company can easily evaluate and analyze the needs, preferences, and requirements of the customers. In this way, Nestle is able to make important position in the universal market. It will also provide help to attract the new applicants around the world. They look the company profile and join the firm. Therefore, human resource management can easily recruit and select capable and potential employees within the organization. HRM can run the business policies and rules effectively and efficiently with the help of this model. This model gives a major contribution in the field of strategic management by providing five competitive strategies in the global market ( Sharma, 2012). Through porter five forces strategies, the HRM is able to select the right candidate for the right employment within the organization. It will also provide assistance to attain the overall objectives and goals of the company. Low-cost strategy helps in recruitment and selection process in the organization. HRM can improve the performance and efficiency of the employees by using porter five forces model within the organization. HRM can bring changes in the strategies and policies with the help of porter five forces model in the firm. It can introduce new and innovative technologies in the global market. HRM can easily implement its new plans, rules, and policies through porter five forces model. Now it is assumed that porter five forces model is important for human resource management to initiate and implement its new plans and strategies within the organization (Parkes and Borland, 2012). How HRM plays vital role to attain sustainable competitive advantage Human resource management plays a vital and crucial role to attain the long-term goals and objectives of the organization. It will also help to maximize and increase the revenue and profit of the Nestle. In todays era, HRM is the significant part of the Nestle to attract more candidates in the market. There are various role of human resource management in the global market which have discussed below (Mohajan, 2015). Value: HRM provides worth to the employees in the organization and it shows a good value for the firm. In this way, human resource management helps to attain the sustainability and it provides effective competitive advantages in the market by creating value and worth around the world. Rareness: Only value cannot help to the human resource department to gain the sustainable competitive benefits in the universal market. HR team should examine and evaluate the policies and plans of the competitors across the world. HRM evaluates and measures the rare and other risk factors in the talent management. In this way, the company can overcome on its competitors in the market (Li, 2015). Imitability: HRM develops and builds effective policies and plans to overcome on the competitors around the world. They help to develop and build a unique culture within the organization. Organization: HRM organizing and modify the various rules, policies, and strategies of the organization to prevent the risk and challenges of the market and to attract more customers within the organization (Cerdin and Brewster, 2014). Recruitment and selection: Human resource management recruits and selects suitable and appropriate candidates in the market. It is the major function of HRM to make a good image around the world. The company appoints skilled and potential applicants to overcome on the competitors in the universal market. If the company makes effective and unique recruitment and selection process then it can provide various advantages in the market. It reduces the high employees turnover within the organization. Therefore, it will increase the revenue and profit of the firm (Stahl et al, 2012). Rewards and compensation system: HRM plays a vital role in rewards and compensation system to gain the competitive advantages in the international market. HRM provides rewards and incentives to the potential and capable employees for improving their efficiency and effectiveness. Through rewards and compensation system, the company is trying to attain the sustainable competitive advantages in the global world (Ahmad, 2015). Talent management system: HRM develops and builds talent management system plays a vital role in human resource department. HRM designs and implements this system to attract, motivate, develop and retain the employees within the organization. It will also increase and maximize the productivity of the firm. Thus, it provides various competitive benefits to the firm (Hartmann, 2011). Further, the company HRM resolves various disputes and conflicts of the workers at the workplace. Human resource management provides training and development to the workers to improve their efficiency and effectiveness. It is the major competitor advantages for the company. In addition, HRM evaluates and examines the efficiency and performance of the workers to gain the sustainable competitive advantages across the world. Along with this, HRM also maintains sustainability in the organization as well as the environment. Further, human resource management provides cross-cultural training to the employees for improving the skills and talents of the employees in the organization. Further, the firm can overcome on the competitors in the global market (Jackson, Schuler and Jiang, 2014). In addition, human resource management uses effective procedures, methods, and practices to attain the competitive benefits in the world. Now it is assumed that HRM plays a vital role to beat the competitor s in the world and to gain long-term mission and vision of the firm. Nestle cannot survive its business activities and operations without effective and sustainable human resource management within the organization. The growth and success of the company depend on the human resource management (Wheelen and Hunger, 2011). HR related issues and recommendations There are various issues faced by the human resource management in Nestle. The main function of the company is to recruit and appoint new candidates for the success and growth of the company. Further, HRM is responsible to retain the candidate within the organization. They reduce the high employees turnover at the workplace. High employee turnover affects the business success and growth negatively. The company is not able to gain competitors advantages in the market due to high employee turnover (Benn, Dunphy and Griffiths, 2014). It is recommended that the company should maintain proper and accurate records to reduce the retention issues. They must motivate the employees for increasing their quality and efficiency. The company must provide good and effective culture within the organization to reduce the retention issues. It must provide remuneration and incentive to the capable employees. It must use effective and unique strategies to overcome the retention issues within the organization (Jabbour et al, 2013). Nestle is one of the biggest players in food and beverage industry. Recruitment of talent is the biggest challenge for the human resource management which is faced by the HRM within the organization. To find a capable and skilled employee is very difficult to the HRM. In this way, various recruitment and selection challenges are faced by the human resource management. Thus, HRM tries to find a right candidate for the right and suitable job (Kehoe and Wright, 2013). To overcome on recruitment issue, HRM must maintain the entire detail of the suitable candidate within the organization. The recruitment process should be conducted in an effective and unique way to reduce and prevent recruitment issues in the market. HRM should improve in the recruitment process to attract more candidates in the organization. The job description should be used by the firm to provide all the details which are related to the profile and job position. Training and compliance is another issue which is faced by the human resource management in Nestle. Sometimes, HRM is not able to provide proper training and development coaching to the workers within the organization. It is recommended that the company must conduct proper training and development programs to improve the skills and potential of the workers in the organization. It should provide regular induction to understand the culture, policies, and strategies of the company. Through training and development, human resource management builds and develops the confidence and morale of the workers in the organization (Sharma, Sharma and Devi, 2011). Along with this, various health and safety issues are faced by the company at the workplace. In this way, employees face various problems at the workplace. As result, they leave the organization frequently. HRM ensures whether the company follows legal rules and regulation or not. Thus, the HRM must think about the employees safety and security to attain the long-term goals and objectives of the firm. Effective rules and regulations must be made by the human resource management for the welfare and morale of the workers at the workplace. Discrimination and diversity is another problem for the HRM which can arise at the workplace. It affects the productivity and outputs of the company. HRM must reduce the discrimination and diversity issues at the workplace to increase the revenue and profit of the company. In addition, HRM makes strategies for maintaining discipline at the workplace to fulfill the goals and objectives of the firm. They should resolve the queries and problems of the workers to maximize and increase the outputs of the company. In this way, Nestle can become a global leader in the food and beverage industry around the world (Boxall and Purcell, 2011). Ethical issues for human resource management Various ethical and legal issues are faced by the human resource management in the organization. The ethical issues have been discussed below. Cash and incentives plans: It is the major ethical issue which is faced by the human resource management within the organization. Cash and incentive plans include basic salary, incentives, bonus and annual increments (Sparrow, Brewster and Chung, 2016). Privacy: It is considered another ethical issue which affects the performance and efficiency of the workers. Sometimes, human resource department does not maintain privacy in the organization. They disclose the employees personal information to the other person. It is an ethical issue which should be controlled and managed by the human resource team. Compensation: It is another ethical issue which is faced by the HR team. Sometimes, the HRM does not provide fair remuneration and overtime to the workers which are mentioned in the job description and job specification (Kim and Brymer, 2011). Thus, human resource management is obliged to maintain ethical standards and code of conducts within the organization. HRM should maintain fair hiring and remuneration system within the organization. Human resource team is responsible to maintain safety standards and to provide safe and secure working conditions for the workers. Further, the company must maintain legal law and regulations to carry the business activities and operations in the organization. Along with this, fake and wrong details must not be submitted by the job applicants within the organization. HRM must protect the rights and morale of the employees to do work effectively and efficiently (Anderson, 2013). Further, various important functions are performed by the human resource management. It is the backbone of the each and every company to gain sustainability in the organization as well as the environment. HRM plays a vital role to maintain sustainability and corporate social responsibility within the organization. HRM performs tasks and duties effectively and efficiently. In addition, they encourage and motivate the employees. They are responsible to provide good and effective remuneration and compensation to the workers to encourage and inspire the employees for doing the work effectively. Further, HRM plays a vital role to manage and handle the employees within the organization. They maintain an effective relationship between employee and employer in the organization. Now it is assumed that human resource management performs their function and duties in an efficient manner (Van Buren, Greenwood, and Sheehan, 2011). Conclusion The report is based on the organizational structure of the Nestle. It explains the mission and vision and competencies of the company. On the above discussion, it has been evaluated and concluded that Nestle is one of the biggest brands in food and beverage industries to gain long-term profits and to maintain sustainability in the organization. Further, human resource management plays a vital role in Nestle to attract more people in the international market. Through effective HRM, the company is able to maintain sustainability and corporate social responsibility within the organization. It provides help to increase the shareholder value in the market. Further, business ethics and code of conducts also play a crucial role in Nestle to attract more customers in the global market. Further, porter five force model plays a significant role to analyze and evaluate the competitors in the global market. Further, Nestle is using effective and unique organizational structure to maximize the long-term revenue and profit of the company. 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Sunday, April 12, 2020

Freedom of Choice free essay sample

My mom would take my sister and I to the library frequently. What made books so appealing to me was that at the library there was a room full of them and I could pick whichever ones I wanted. This was my first experience with freedom, one of the only parts of my life I could control. When you’re 8 years old, even maybe 10 anywhere you go you’re choices are limited. You’re completely dependent on parents for money if you even get to buy what you want. It was a big deal for me because my mom usually made my decisions for me; my life was planned and I had an empty head. I also liked books as a kid because reading came pretty easy to me. I wasn’t someone who stumbled over words or needed to practice reading extra. Reading gave me confidence, and at the same time it was something I could challenge myself with. We will write a custom essay sample on Freedom of Choice or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I liked to read book series, like the majic treehouse books it was a challenge and an accomplishment to finish each series, to read thicker heavier books. By middle school and high school reading wasn’t exactly a cool thing to do so I gradually stopped reading books, became more social and spent more of my free time with friends instead of sitting in a room by myself with a book. Writing was a different story though, I was always the last one to finish copying notes from the board, I hated writing as a kid because it was so structured. By the time high school came around most of the time writing assignments were bullshit. Teachers just gave long tedious assignments because the harder they made school the smarter it made you obviously. I hated writing pretty much all through high school. By senior year I stopped doing English assignments, because I hated them and I was going through a rough patch in my life. I began to look at life from a much more pessimistic viewpoint, stopped caring about a lot of thing like school and writing in general. After I was old enough to think for myself I was angry about how I was being taught English and writing. I hated listening to other people in classes reading aloud and taking notes about a book while I was reading in it. For me it ruined the story to have to look at it closely and painfully pick it apart piece by piece. You can’t dissect a frog with out killing it first. I don’t know why but for some reason English teachers get some sort of sick pleasure out slaughtering the books they love, or maybe they hated the books and threw them on the chopping block because they were taught English the same way. Junior year of High School I finally got out of accelerated English classes, it was a good move. I breezed through the class and my English teacher used much more modern teaching methods. My favorite part of the class was outside reading. Outside reading was my favorite part of English class as long as I can remember because I like books I just couldn’t enjoy them piece by piece I needed the whole thing, and once again with outsde reading we had freedom to choose what book we wanted to read. If I could use one word to describe my English teacher junior year it would be progressive. There were a lot of other words I could use to describe her, like biased, radical, batty, but if I had to choose just one it would be progressive because she used modern books, unconventional books, classic books, she used the whole spectrum from online media, blogs, email, ipods and sure some of it was still busllshit but it was bullshit I could get on board with. Sure we still slaughtered texts but that class introduced me to my all time favorite book. Walking through the library was an everyday thing, part of moving from one class to another or a safe haven for skipping class, as long as I kept my head down and my pencil moving because who skips class to do work? But that day in the library was different. First it whispered in my direction, then it called quietly, until finally after many double takes and sideways glances it shouted â€Å"Read me! † so I slowly walked over, grabbed it and read. And read. Until the bell rang and I had to leave. But I didn’t stop there like an itch I couldn’t scratch the book haunted me until I was done. From beginning to end I was riveted. This book broke all the rules, the author used words like bastard and shit talked about life, about the mysterys behind it and about walking away from it all on a whim. He wrote about everyday things in the most interesting way, he wrote about sex, about drugs, about nothing at all and about everything at the same time, I’ve never asked more questions about a book in my life and found comfort in never knowing the answers. Its main character stole cars married women, left women, conned innocent people, was well connected, and the whole time survived on nothing more than wits and keenness. The book changed my life, I found it at a very impressionable age and it made an enormous impact on me. It made me realize that there was more to life than what everyone said, it made me understand that I had been thnking backwards my whole life it made me second guess our consumerist society, it made me want to leave it all behind. Without On The Road by Jack Kerouac I would be a very different person today. I always thought that reading and writing was for lonely people. People shut away from the world wether they wanted to be or were there by choice. Ann Frank’s Diary is considered a great novel but if it weren’t for the Nazi’s it wouldn’t have been as interesting. Hemmingway was a drunk that loved cats. Once a basic foundation of English rhetoric has been laid down, most people could become writers if given the chance, it’s a side effect of cabin fever. Writing is the closest you can come to talking to yourself without being considered insane. No matter how you dress it up though, writers are artist at the core their painbrush a pen their canvas the page, and all artist are weird. Too weird to live too rare to die

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Welsh v. United States (1970)

Welsh v. United States (1970) Should those seeking conscientious objector status under the draft be limited to only those who make their claims based on their personal religious beliefs and background? If so, this would mean that all those with a secular rather than religious ideology are automatically excluded, regardless of how important their beliefs are. It really makes no sense for the U.S. government to decide that only religious believers can be legitimate pacifists whose convictions should be respected, but thats exactly how the government operated until the militarys policies were challenged. Fast Facts: Welsh v. United States Case Argued: January 20, 1970Decision Issued:Â  June 15, 1970Petitioner: Elliot Ashton Welsh IIRespondent: United StatesKey Question: Could a man claim conscientious objector status even if he had no religious-based grounds?Majority Decision: Justices Black, Douglas, Harlan, Brennan, and MarshallDissenting: Justices Burger, Stewart, and WhiteRuling: The court ruled that claiming conscientious objector status was not dependent on religious beliefs. Background Information Elliott Ashton Welsh II was convicted of refusing to submit to induction into the armed forces - he had requested conscientious objector status but did not base his claim on any religious beliefs. He said that he could neither affirm nor deny the existence of a Supreme Being. Instead, he said his anti-war beliefs were based upon reading in the fields of history and sociology. Basically, Welsh claimed that his had serious moral opposition to conflicts in which people are being killed. He argued that even though he was not a member of any traditional religious group, the depth of sincerity of his belief should qualify him for exemption from military duty under the Universal Military Training and Service Act. This statute, however, allowed only those people whose opposition to the war was based on religious beliefs to be declared conscientious objectors - and that did not technically include Welsh. Court Decision In a 5-3 decision with the majority opinion written by Justice Black, the Supreme Court decided that Welsh could to be declared a conscientious objector even though he declared that his opposition to war was not based on religious convictions. In United States v. Seeger, 380 U.S. 163 (1965), a unanimous Court construed the language of the exemption limiting the status to those who by religious training and belief (that is, those who believed in a Supreme Being), to mean that a person must have some belief which occupies in his life the place or role which the traditional concept of occupies in the orthodox believer. After the Supreme Being clause was deleted, a plurality in Welsh v. United States, construed the religion requirement as inclusive of moral, ethical, or religious grounds. Justice Harlan concurred on constitutional grounds, but disagreed with the specifics of the decision, believing that the statute was clear that Congress had intended to restrict conscientious objection status to those persons who could demonstrate a traditional religious foundation for their beliefs and that this was impermissible under the . In my opinion, the liberties taken with the statute both in Seeger and todays decision cannot be justified in the name of the familiar doctrine of construing federal statutes in a manner that will avoid possible constitutional infirmities in them. There are limits to the permissible application of that doctrine... I therefore find myself unable to escape facing the constitutional issue that this case squarely presents: whether [the statute] in limiting this draft exemption to those opposed to war in general because of theistic beliefs runs afoul of the religious clauses of the First Amendment. For reasons later appearing, I believe it does... Justice Harlan believed that it was quite clear that, as far as the original statute was concerned, an individuals assertion that his views were religious was to be regarded highly while the opposite proclamation was not to be treated as well. Significance This decision expanded the types of beliefs that can be used to get conscientious objector status. The depth and fervency of the beliefs, rather than their status as part of an established religious system, became fundamental to determining which views could exempt an individual from military service. At the same time, though, the Court also effectively expanded the concept of religion well beyond how its typically defined by most people. The average person will tend to limit the nature of religion to some sort of belief system, usually with some sort of supernatural basis. In this case, however, the Court decided that religious...belief could include strong moral or ethical beliefs, even if those beliefs have absolutely no connection to or basis in any sort of traditionally acknowledge religion. This may not have been entirely unreasonable, and it was probably easier than simply overturning the original statute, which is what Justice Harlan seemed to favor, but the long-term consequence is that it fosters misunderstandings and miscommunication.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Discourse community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Discourse community - Essay Example There is a certain universality in the language that transcends national boundaries and specific dialects. It is a language that is used very strongly in social exclusion which also implies a strong bond for those who benefit from the reverse which is inclusion. Discourse within the military organization can be regarded as the formalized way of thinking about important matters related to war, discipline, hierarchy, loyalty, courage and love of country that has been manifested through specialized language its members know of. Military discourse is designed exclusively to maintain cohesion within the organization but quite often, the discourse also affects other sectors of society. In this paper, I will talk about the different and unique aspects of military discourse with regard to certain matters in life. Obedience – military discourse does not discount the possibility of confrontation. In fact, military men are trained in the art of war and are expected to resolve issues by force if necessary. However, much of military discourse, especially those used during their training, is geared towards obedience and respect for authority. The reason for this is quite obvious which is to maintain the rigid hierarchical structure in a military organization. The need to maintain a strict discipline is the reason for using this discourse (Bartle & Heinecken 81). Discipline is the backbone by which the hierarchy is being reinforced daily through total obedience. Exclusion – due to the very nature of their task which is to defend the country against external threats, the military by tradition, necessity and practice is discriminatory. What this means is that the military leadership uses language and policies to exclude some groups or individuals which it deems as unfit to render military service. These groups can include homosexuals, transsexuals, so-called conscientious objectors who resist the draft, convicted felons, handicapped people and persons who do

Friday, February 7, 2020

Social media and Democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social media and Democracy - Essay Example Political activists use the internet hubs to spread the news of their parties and news of the election. Political activism on the internet has risen all over the world since the 9/11 attack in America. Activists against terror attacks are particularly spreading the word through the internet. The inception of Facebook into the internet has helped and made the activists get a bigger platform to express their views. Popular news networks such as CNN and BBC have Facebook accounts with more than 33million Facebook likes combined. The news networks use the media outlet to communicate the latest news to their fans. The use of social media has made it easy and faster for the news to reach people rather than waiting for prime time to get the news. During the American election season of 2008, new technologies that enabled individuals to participate in online communities’ discussions emerged (Yamamoto, 2010 p. 609). Facebook was very popular by this time, and most politicians used it to pass the message to their supporters. Arguments and trending topics of the political nature were popular among the sites. Twitter is a social network that is more of a mini-blogging site. Individuals can communicate and lay out their thoughts to their followers. Politicians and business people have Twitter accounts where they share news with their followers (Jewitt, 2009 p. 232). Popular news networks are on Twitter that they use to communicate any breaking news. Twitter is a good platform for news networks to convey their messages to people. The 2012 elections in America had a huge coverage on Twitter. There was sharing of opinions, and the use of the hashtag made it easier to reach a large group of people. Politicians shared their agendas for the nation, and it was of big help to them. Twitter increases the popularity of an individual, hence spreading more news countrywide and worldwide. The war and accident

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Introduction to K Means Analysis for Stock Portfolio Essay Example for Free

Introduction to K Means Analysis for Stock Portfolio Essay 1. Background[1] Investment decisions are about making choice. Investors need to decide what asset to be invested. This is an important decision because these assets are the means by which investors transfer today’s purchasing power to the future. In effect, investor must decide on a portfolio of asset to own. A portfolio is simply a combination of assets designed to serve as store of value. Poor management of these assets may destroy the portfolio’s value, and investor will then not achieve their financial goals. There are many assets like stocks, bonds, derivatives that investors may include in the portfolio. In Hong Kong, stock portfolio is the most common investment. But what stocks have higher return? What stocks are risky? What stocks in the portfolio that it has higher return? Many investors may use fundamental analysis to analysis financial data for answering above questions. In the last decade, some researches applied data mining techniques on financial market. Data mining is the process of automatically discovery useful information in large data repositories. It can be used to support a wide range of business intelligence applications such as customer profiling, targeted marketing, store layout. 2. Motivation In America, there are some research papers[2] about applying clustering technique on America financial market. For example, using Self-organizing map(SOM) to cluster stocks and financial ratio for fundamental analysis, using SOM to find the valuable stock. These all researches want to find the characteristic of the stocks. However, most these researches use SOM clustering technique, and focus on America financial market. It seems that few researches do similar thing in Hong Kong stock market. Moreover, these researches only want to find the characteristic of stocks. In real case, investors will not only purchase one stocks. They will construct a stock portfolio to eliminate the risk. So I want to apply similar approach on Hong Kong stock market and change the clustering technique to K-means, not SOM. And I not only want to cluster the stocks, but also the portfolio. I want to cluster many combinations of the portfolio as I can to find the characteristic of different combinations of the portfolio. I am interested in investment, and I study information technology in university. I want to combine two aspects for my final year project. And I believe this project is very useful for my future career. I have read relative books, papers for getting the basic idea and concept of portfolio and data mining. In this project, I use many technical skills, methods and knowledge learnt from City University of Hong Kong in the past three years. Java programming is used to do the data preprocessing like normalization, financial calculation. It is also used to generate the combination of the portfolio and the simulation of K-means. MYSQL database is used to store the data of stocks and portfolio. The simulation result is also stored in the database. 3. Objectives In this final year project, there are several objects: 1. To investigate the characteristic of stocks in Hong Kong stock market. 2. To investigate the characteristic of different stock portfolios in Hong Kong stock market. 3. To determine that different combination of stocks how to affect the performance of the portfolio. 4. To investigate the strength and weakness of applying K-means on financial data. 4. Report outline  There are total 6 chapters in this report. Following this Chapter 1 Introduction, Chapter 2 Literature Review refers to related theories applied on the simulation, result analysis and discussion. Chapter 3 Simulation presents the methodology, project flow chat of the simulation. Chapter 4 Result Analysis will do the data processing of the result from the simulation. Chapter 5 Further Development will discuss the further development and improvement of the project. At the end, Chapter 6 Conclusion will do the conclusion of the whole project. 5. Chapter Summary This chapter mentions the background of the project. It also presents the motivation of this project and give the objective, report outline to the readers for better understanding of the project.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Aspects and Impacts of Generational Diversity Essay -- Law Enforcement

Aspects and Impacts of Generational Diversity This paper examines several aspects of generational diversity and its impact on law enforcement organizations. As the law enforcement profession prepares to move into the future it must also make ready for a changing of the guard, which will soon take place. The Traditionals and Boomers have been joined by two younger and vastly different generations of employees who bring new perspectives to law enforcement. This paper briefly discusses a few of the characteristics most commonly associated with each generation and how generational diversity will: Æ’Â ¶ CREATE CHANGE IN LAW ENFORCEMENT ORGANIZATIONS. Æ’Â ¶ AFFECT RECRUITING ACTIVITIES. Æ’Â ¶ AFFECT HOW TRAINING IS VIEWED BY MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL. Æ’Â ¶ REQUIRE NEW SKILLS AND MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES TO MOTIVATE A DIVERSE WORK FORCE. Æ’Â ¶ RESULT IN CHANGING THE DYNAMICS OF LAW ENFORCEMENT MANAGEMENT AND CULTURE. Managing generational diversity will be a challenge that will have a tremendous impact on the future of law enforcement. Organizations will adapt out of necessity, to meet the challenge of successfully integrating four generations. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Generational diversity is an emerging issue for law enforcement. Today ¡Ã‚ ¦s workforce is different from any other in history now that four generations are working side-by-side. Law enforcement managers will have to learn to recognize the changing dynamics of personnel and develop strategic new approaches to old problems. Traditionals were simply grateful for jobs and focused on stability, they were not inclined to question authority. Boomers inherited the need for stability and wanted a better life; many focused so much energy on work that it became their identity. Generation X was the first group to question authority, they want to be involved in the decision making process and are unwilling to wait until retirement for their rewards. Generation Y also wants to be more involved in decisions, have more flexibility, and like Generation X see work as the means to support their lives, not as a basis for self-image as the Boomers did. Creative new recruitment and motivational techniques become critical as the number of applicants drop and the need for qualified personnel increases. Younger members of Generation X and Generation Y are becoming more and more val... ...or Smaller Police Departments. Goodrich, J. (2004, Summer). Making the Most of Generational Differences [Electronic version]. The Criminal Justice Institute ¡Ã‚ ¦s Management Quarterly. Hatfield, S.L. (2002, Jul/Aug). Understanding the Four Generations to Enhance Workplace Management [Electronic version]. AFP Exchange. 22, 72-74 Homer. (800 B.C.  ¡V 700 B.C.) The Iliad. Epic Greek poem. Lancaster, L. & Stillman, D. (2002) When generations collide. New York: Harper Business Leo, J. (2003, November 3). The good-news generation [Electronic version]. U.S. News & World Report. 135 (15) p60, 1p, 1c Segal. (2002, February). Providing public sector services in a time of change: The total rewards perspective. [Electronic version]. Public Sector Letter. 2-4. Southard, G. & Lewis, J. (2004, April). Building a Workplace That Recognizes Generational Diversity. Public Management (PM) Magazine. 86 (3) Retrieved October 14, 2004 from Tulgan, B (2002). Managing the generation mix, four generations in conflict [excerpt video overview]. RainmakerThinking, Inc. Retrieved October 22, 2004 from http://www

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Defying Tradition Essay

Article Title: Funny women flourish in female-written comedies What information seems the most important? Note key points mentioned in the article. Call it The â€Å"Bridesmaids† Effect: Ever since the R-rated 2011 comedy became a runaway hit †¦ a rash of female-written comedies are enticing viewers with provocative new characters who are more like women we know. â€Å"‘Bridesmaids’ I think opened up a door to allow women to show a bunch of different women in different ways of being funny. Since then, women have been finding a voice in comedy more than ever before. Headland says the new breed of funny female writers arose out of frustration, and feminism Actresses such as Kendrick, Snow, Wilson and others say these new female-created characters look and sound more like actual women they know. â€Å"You’re not going to solve the problem, but you can start the conversation,† Headland said. â€Å"I think part of your job, especially as a woman, i s to let yourself be a little ugly and to show uglier parts of yourself. That’s your job as a female artist.† Look at the key points and organize any that are related. Call it The â€Å"Bridesmaids† Effect: Ever since the R-rated 2011 comedy became a runaway hit †¦ a rash of female-written comedies are enticing viewers with provocative new characters who are more like women we know. Headland says the new breed of funny female writers arose out of frustration, and feminism. Actresses such as Kendrick, Snow, Wilson and others say these new female-created characters look and sound more like actual women they know. â€Å"You’re not going to solve the problem, but you can start the conversation,† Headland said. â€Å"I think part of your job, especially as a woman, is to let yourself be a little ugly and to show uglier parts of yourself. That’s your job as a female artist.† â€Å"‘Bridesmaids’ I think opened up a door to allow women to show a bunch of different women in different ways of being funny. Since then, women have been finding a voice in comedy more than ever before. What do the key points i n each group have in common?

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Short Note On Critical Thinking Essay - 1369 Words

Every day people around the world always think about what’s on their mind. These random thoughts in the minds of the people can vary such as academic purposes like calculating the probability of two heads in three-coin flip attempts and writing a paper on critical thinking that has to include inductive and deductive reasoning, thinking about what’s going on life like what foods you are going to eat today and when you feel like going to bed and more random thoughts such as who are they voting for the next president of the United States of America that can appear and pop up in life. Thinking about these thoughts can either be just a thought to understanding and remembering the complexities of the subject they are thinking about. However, just thinking without anything else being taken into consideration isn’t the best and superior method to think. The most perfect and precise way to think is thinking critically. The term thinking critically or critical thinking is n’t just thinking very hard and outside the box, but thinking in a different perspective and way. Let’s took a look into the subject called Critical Thinking. A textbook definition of the phrase, â€Å"Critical Thinking† is that mode of thinking - about any subject, content, or problem - in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully taking charge of the structures inherent in thinking and imposing intellectual standards upon them. It is a different approach of thinking that isShow MoreRelatedCritical Analysis On Critical Thinking Essay870 Words   |  4 PagesHitchens. What is critical thinking? What does it mean to think? What does it mean to be critical? These are all questions that the average person does not think about on the daily basis. However if a person wants to persuade another person or an audience, they must be able to analyze these questions in their own statement. 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